Friday, May 6, 2011

Free prescription discount card for every family in America

A free discount prescription card for every American family

An average American family has two prescriptions to fill out every month and it is a great financial burden to each individual family. Sometimes families are forced to choose between the food and medicine, which cannot be anything but extremely disheartening. Imagine what good it would do to every one of these families if there is a discount Rx card available for NO MONEY. Here is a prescription discount card every American family should have at least one regardless of the number of prescriptions they fill up each month. It is ABSOLUTELY FREE. Discounts are as high as 90% on certain drugs. It does not matter if you have insurance (if there is a co-pay of >$10) or not. It is active at the point of print and transferable to anyone you want.  

Do you know why prescriptions are so burdensome to families across America? One of the reasons is Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBM), a third party administrator of prescription drug programs, increasing the cost of an average prescription by $35 in 2010 alone when we were hit the hardest by the great depression. PBM earned a grand $350 billion just by raising the cost of an average prescription. Yes, >$350 billion, ain’t it cool? By the way they have a mere 700 lobbyists in Washington D.C. to keep that cool money in their pocket.

What are the salient features?

         No Cost
         No Qualification
         No Enrollment
         No Deductibles                      
         No Activation
         No Waiting Period
         No Hassle
         Never expires, but always transferable
         Works for everyone regardless of the insurance status
         Covers prescriptions, lab works, MRI, CT scan, X-rays, and much more

Feel free to print such a discount Rx card right here and give it to any one you meet. Print as many you want and give to whoever you want wherever you want. People will thank you profoundly. Card is at the end of the web page.

There is absolutely no restriction, and therefore I am requesting anyone reading this blog to print it out and distribute to anyone anywhere. It works in most of the places, such as Walmart, Kroger, Albertson’s, Walgreens, and many others (in fact more than 64000 pharmacies across America). You can also find the least expensive pharmacy for any given prescription medicine easily by calling an 800 number in the card or visiting the web site.

How does it work?

All you need to do is to present the card when making a payment or checking beforehand how much discount you can get with the card.  

Would you like to be a distributor of these free Rx cards?
Check the web site and find out how. You can contact me by email too.

About the company:

Tri Hope Group is a privately held company providing Health Care Discount Savings. Tri Hope Group is the main marketing group and distribution arm for Rx Cut Plus and Get Benefit Relief discount programs. The goal of Tri Hope Group is to reduce the cost of medicine for families across America.

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